Welcome to XSeed

Why Choose Us?

Failure costs bring society into a head-to-head collision with economic reality. 

Geert Jan is an entrepreneur, academic researcher and lecturer over 20 years. He is responsible for our Research and Development as the originator of the proprietary algorithms. Geert Jan is the author of several books and articles. 

Least square mathematics is used to trace economic reality to its drivers

Geoff is a seasoned entrepreneur, expert programmer and seasoned manager, of over 15 years. He is responsible for our Technology and the originator of the SaaS application. Geoff is active in several platforms to promote entrepreneurship across the European continent.

Least square mathematics has a serious design flaw when tracing failure costs to their drivers

We provide the alternative.....

Frank is a seasoned entrepreneur, business developer and board room advisor, of over 25 years. He is responsible for our Commerce and Operations. Frank is active in several platforms to promote entrepreneurship, across Europe, Asia and Africa.

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Remedies for failure costs
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Johan Huizingalaan 763A

2nd Floor

1066 VH Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Geert Jan Beekman

+31 653 221446


Geoffrey Craps

+32 476 760325


Frank Zuure

+31 651 541377